Event: Seminar on benefits of operating in a FTZ

Seminar to Explain Benefits of Operating in a Foreign-Trade Zone
The Columbus Regional Airport Authority (CRAA) will host a free seminar for businesses, economic development representatives and real estate professionals to learn the benefits of operating in a Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ).

November 4, 2010
Northeast Conference Center
Columbus, Ohio

8 a.m. to noon

“Many businesses do not fully understand what an FTZ is and what it can offer, which is why we annually organize the seminar,” explained Kathy Mills, CRAA’s Business Development Manager of International Trade. “If a company is importing and exporting goods, it may be able to save money and increase profits by operating in an FTZ and it could help the company compete globally by lowering the cost of doing business.”

For additional information on attending the free seminar, contact Angie Atwood, CRAA’s FTZ Marketing Coordinator at (614) 409-3622.

About Foreign-Trade Zones
An FTZ is a site within the U.S. that is legally considered outside of Customs territory, so goods may be brought into the site duty-free and without formal customs entry.  As Grantee of FTZ No. 138, CRAA has applied to be a part of the Alternative Site Framework (ASF). The new program reduces the application process and speeds up the approval of designation to as little as 30 days.  In addition, CRAA’s service area will be expanded to include 25 counties in the central Ohio area.

ASF offers flexibility to designate sites through minor boundary modifications and requires the FTZ designation to be retained only at sites that are active in the FTZ. Additional FTZ benefits appealing to companies include weekly entry and direct delivery. Information about the ASF will also be discussed during the free seminar.

>> Map of Foreign-Trade Zones in Ohio